Syndicated data is data that has been distributed to third parties who have no editorial, commercial, or user rights to that data. For example, Wikipedia is syndicated data.
Syndicated data is a bit different. In general, syndicated data is data that is created and distributed by another company or organization, often for a fee. It is not a paid data-collection service.
Syndicated data is typically used by journalists, and Wikipedia, for example, is syndicated data. It is not the primary purpose of Wikipedia, but it has a lot of data on topics that are not particularly newsworthy.
Wikipedians have an established agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation to use syndicated data in the way that they see fit. It is not a primary purpose of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a paid data-collection service. But it has a lot of data on topics that are not particularly newsworthy.
The primary purpose of Wikipedia is to collect primary data and then use this data to inform secondary research. Wikipedians have an established agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation to use syndicated data in the way that they see fit. It is not a primary purpose of Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a paid data-collection service. But it has a lot of data on topics that are not particularly newsworthy.
Wikipedia’s primary purpose is to collect primary data. Secondary research, however, is not Wikipedia’s only purpose.